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Writer's pictureEleanor Campbell

Supercharge Your Health With The Veggie Power Challenge

Have you heard about the Veggie Power Challenge?

It's a great way to get your daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals! Eating an extra serving of vegetables per day has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, help lower cholesterol, and boost your immune system. With so many health benefits, why not give it a try?

This challenge is easy to follow and will help you get the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and strong. So what are you waiting for? Eat an extra serving of vegetables today and start feeling the benefits!

The Benefits

Eating an extra serving of vegetables at every meal has many benefits for your health. Vegetables are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, low in calories and fat, and can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. They also provide fiber, which can help keep your digestive system running smoothly. Additionally, vegetables are a great source of antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage.

Eating various vegetables can also help ensure you get a broad range of nutrients, so aim to eat a rainbow of colors throughout the week. By adding an extra serving of vegetables to your meals, you'll be doing your body a favor and improving your overall health and well-being.


Step 1 : Plan Ahead & Have Plenty Of Fresh Vegetables On Hand

#1: Make sure to stock up on your favorite vegetables when they are in season. This will ensure that you have access to the freshest produce possible.

#2: Consider buying frozen vegetables as a backup. Frozen vegetables are a great way to add extra nutrition to your meals without buying fresh produce every week.

#3: Look into local farms and farmers' markets. Buying directly from the source can be a great way to get fresh, high-quality vegetables at an affordable price.

#4: Take advantage of grocery store sales and coupons. Many stores offer discounts on certain vegetables every week, so it pays to stay informed and take advantage of these deals.

#5: Get creative with leftovers. If you have any vegetables about to go off, think of creative ways to use them. You can turn them into soup, stir-fry, or salad.

Step 2: Incorporate Vegetables Into Every Meal & Snack

Incorporating vegetables into every meal and snack is a great way to ensure you get the vitamins, minerals, and fiber your body needs!

#1: Add vegetables to breakfast: Start your day with a veggie-packed omelet, smoothie, or breakfast bowl.

#2: Pack snacks with veggies: Try snacking on carrot or celery sticks with hummus, or top a whole-wheat cracker with a slice of tomato.

#3: Top your lunch: Add fresh or cooked veggies to your sandwich, wrap, or have a salad with your sandwich. Fill up with dinner: Make a veggie-filled stir-fry, casserole, pasta dish, or soup.

#4: Get creative: Try roasted cauliflower "rice" or zucchini "pasta," or add grated vegetables to your favorite baked goods. Remember to keep it varied and colorful – the more colorful your plate is, the more nutrients you'll get!

Step 3 : Get Creative With Your Cooking: Experiment With Different Recipes & Flavor Combinations

One of the best ways to get creative is to look for recipes online and in books. Try to find recipes that use ingredient combinations you might not think of. You can also mix and match different recipes to create something unique.

Additionally, try to add your own spin to existing recipes by adding additional ingredients or spices to give them a unique flavor. Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different flavor combinations until you find a variety you love! Have fun, and enjoy the process!

Step 4 : Incorporate Vegetables Into Dishes You Already Enjoy

Add sautéed mushrooms, peppers, or onions to your favorite pasta dish.

— Add sautéed spinach or kale to your favorite pizza or quesadilla.

— Use roasted vegetables in place of croutons on your favorite salads.

— Make a veggie-rich soup with your favorite herbs and spices.

— Put shredded carrots, bell peppers, and onions in your favorite sandwiches. No matter your favorite dishes, there are plenty of ways to make them healthier by adding vegetables.

Have fun experimenting, and let your taste buds be your guide!

Step 5 : Include A Variety Of Colors & Textures In Your Meals

Try these three top tips:

#1— Experiment with different cooking methods: Roasting, stir-frying, steaming, and grilling vegetables provide different textures and flavors. Add sautéed mushrooms and peppers to a pasta dish or roasted sweet potatoes to a salad.

#2— Incorporate vegetables into snacks: Instead of grabbing a bag of chips, try snacking on carrots and celery with hummus or cucumber slices with Greek yogurt dip. You can add finely chopped vegetables to omelets, frittatas, and quiches.

#3— Add vegetables to soups and stews: Adding a variety of vegetables to your soups and stews is a great way to get a variety of flavors and textures. Add diced potatoes, carrots, and celery to a chicken soup or shredded cabbage, peppers, and mushrooms to a beef stew.


Reap The Rewards

Eating an extra serving of vegetables at every meal is a great way to ensure you get the nutrients your body needs and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for chronic diseases, and keep your digestive system running smoothly. Additionally, it can help you feel fuller and more satisfied after meals, reducing the temptation of unhealthy snacks.

Ultimately, making vegetables a regular part of your diet is an easy, nutritious way to promote overall health

Nutritionist and Trainer,

Eleanor Campbell

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